About LENO
LenoSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to securely trade a massive variety of BEP-20 tokens quickly and cheaply without relying on centralized services or losing control over their private keys.
All trades on LenoSwap are automatically executed via smart contracts — completely eliminating centralized intermediary risks CEX LenoSwap is traditional trading platform that allow user to trade any crypto asset
and many feature that we will develop on our CEX LenoSwap. Centralized exchanges offer more options to their users for trading/investment.
Buy LENOIntroducing LenoSwap Exchange
Swap, Liquidity and farming give you an elegance Ecosystem for Crypto Assets growth Best Exchange for Global Users
LenoSwap is the most trustedAMM-enabled cryptocurrency exchange, Known for its user friendly.
LenoSwap Exchange enables any user to swap, earn and trade on its AMM platforms. LenoSwap supportedBEP-20 tokens on decentralized exchanges.
Lenoswap is a Bnb Smart Chain-based Dex. Users Can Swap Bep-20 Tokens on Lenoswap Without Trusting Their Funds to an Intermediary. Users Can Earn Rewards by Staking Tokens in the Liquidity Pools and, Like Pancakeswap and Many Other Dexs, Lenoswap is Powered by an Automated Market Maker (AMM) Model, Relying on User-backed Liquidity Pools to Support Trades. Leno is the Governance Token That Powers the Lenoswap Ecosystem. Leno Holders Can Vote on the Direction of the Ecosystem, Use It in Yield Farms to Earn More Leno, Stake It in Liquidity Pools to Earn More Tokens, and Much More!

The LENOSWAP platform was created to provide a crypto asset trading platform with an interactive design for beginners and expert traders. Our platform makes it easy for users to swap between digital assets, while also giving them the option to create that asset using stake and farming options.
The DEX platform provides trading, liquidity, and LP token generation. A farm's produce farming uses a large number of pools (the liquidity center of the BSC system). Staking: To earn LENO or other tokens in the BSC system, stake LENO in a pool.

DEX Growth
DEXs, which used to be regarded as a niche concept, have seen increasing popularity with the rise of Defi and crypto. Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) have seen exponential growth in 2021, exceeding $1 trillion in trading volumes since the beginning of the quarter, according to The Block's 2021 Digital Asset Outlook Report. The recorded trading volume of $1 trillion represents an 858% increase well over the trading volume in 2020.
Dexs Were Created to Remove the Requirement for Any Authority to Oversee and Authorize Trades Performed Within a Specific Exchange. Decentralized Exchanges Allow for Peer-to-peer (P2p) Trading of Cryptocurrencies. Peer-to-peer Refers to a Marketplace That Links Buyers and Sellers of Cryptocurrencies. Innovations That Solved Liquidity-related Problems Such as Automated Market Makers Helped Attract Users to the Decentralized Finance (Defi) Space and Largely Contributed to Its Growth.
Challenges and Solutions
DEXs platforms losing users because of the high fees and difficult user interface.
All trades on LenoSwap are automatically executed via smart contracts — completely eliminating centralized intermediary risks CEX LenoSwap is traditional trading platform that allow user to trade any crypto asset
and many feature that we will develop on our CEX LenoSwap. Centralized exchanges offer more options to their users for trading/investment.

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs), while displayed economic value—UniSwap, for example, recently traded over $440 million in just 24 hours—come with some key accessories that are similar to decentralized finance (DEFI). limiting development. The need for smart contracts to handle orders adds to latency, low liquidity resulting in falling prices, and high transaction fees restricting successful adoption. The need for smart contracts to handle orders restricts implementation latency, falling prices as a result of low liquidity, and high transaction fees.
LENOSWAP all-in-one crypto terminal trading platform strives to simplify the cryptocurrency market. Dex-LenoSwap makes use of its many unique features to provide its clients with a great trading experience. One advantage is that it has incredibly cheap transaction costs and a quick confirmation time, ensuring that trades are completed rapidly.
Why Choose LenoSwap
Crypto tokens can be swapped instantly on LenoSwap AMM exchange without registration or login.
Low Fees
Why should you pay more? LenoSwap is powered by the BNB smart chain blockchain, which has much lower transaction fees than Ethereum. Trading fees are also low compared to other top decentralized exchanges, so this is a big win for you! Trade fees will be distributed amount the LP holders. wth.
You can trade directly from your Wallet app. LenoSwap neither hold your crypto assets nor you are private keys, unlike centralized exchanges such as Binance or Coin base; You are the sole owner of your crypto assets.
The people's choice of DEX
The highest trading volume in the market of DEX platform, LenoSwap is the decentralized AMM exchange on the BNB Smart Chain.
Yield Farms and Earn
Earn LENO by stake LP tokens in the Yield Farm. You are subject to market variations compared to syrup pools, but you can earn a higher APR to per contributing your LP Tokens.
Earn Passive Reward
Earn rewards by staking in Leno Pools, It's really simple. LENO holders can earn huge APR and APY.

The sole usage of the LENO token is as a reward for future staking, farming, and NFTs operations. By owning LENO, you can trade on our AMM and get part in community participation in addition to being able to trade.
Token Detail
LENO token as native crypto from LenoSwap platform will be available for Private, Presale and public sale. dont miss the huge opportunity.
Token Symbol | Token Platform | Token Price | Total Supply | Contract Address |
LENO | Binance (BEP20) | 1 LENO = $0.30 | 100,000,000 | 0xE73d20C21866B926a7dd240F8e0737d32fd3A19f |
Token Distribution
To calculate the number of tokens you’ll receive, you can follow the following formula. Note that this applies to public contributions only. If you participated through a syndicate.